Job offer

CLOSED - Applications before 30/09/21


The Smart City Institute and the CRAU of the University of Liège are recruiting a project manager in urban agriculture.

The two research centres are collaborating to develop, within the framework of an Interreg project entitled GROOF, a multidisciplinary expertise in the field of business models in urban agriculture and are looking for a project manager (who will be attached to both units) to work on this theme. He/she will be involved in a European research project aimed, among other things, at setting up a greenhouse on a roof in Gembloux and measuring its agronomic, economic and energy performance. He/she will carry out scientific research on the economic and managerial aspects of this project.

Job description

  1. Management of a portfolio of innovative projects
  2. Actively and proactively communicate with numerous international partners
  3. Business models: support and coaching of project leaders

Fixed-term contract of 2 years, part-time.

Required profile

  • A Master's degree in Economics and Management or equivalent, with a strong academic record
  • Have a good command of French and English
  • Have a particular interest in business models, sustainable transition and urban agriculture
  • Available to travel in Europe several times a year (stay of a few days)


Application, possible references and cover letter to be sent, before 30 September 2021, to Nicolas Ancion.

Consult the detailed offer

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