The continuing education courses organised by the Smart City Institute (SCI), are intended for professionals from all sectors (public, private or even academic...) who are involved in or wish to be involved in sustainable and intelligent transition.

These courses aim to help its participants to better understand the challenges of sustainable and smart territories, but also to provide them with fundamental managerial skills to successfully conduct their projects.The SCI's continuing education offer consists of

An annual basic training course

After 5 editions that have enabled more than 100 professionals to get into action, the traditional SCI Smart Cities Management training course is getting a makeover: In 2023, it is back with a new name ("Managing a sustainable and smart transition successfully"), a new format, a new methodology and a new programme to discover. In addition, in 2019, the institute has also set up, on an ad hoc basis, a tailor-made thematic module for its alumni, allowing them to address in greater depth one of the aspects covered in the basic training: change management.

Thematic workshops (2022-2023)

Shorter than the above-mentioned continuous training (2 days), these workshops are designed to go into more depth on a particular theme.


> Our training programs are all organized in French.

Discover the training courses

The basic training course "Managing a sustainable and smart transition successfully"

The thematic workshops

Smart City Institute

Cécile Caputo, training manager

+32 (0) 4 232 73 82

See profile
updated on 5/12/23

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