Publication - Report

Methodology : How to evaluate your Smart City projects ?

"Performance measurement": An important step in the development of your Smart City strategy. Indeed, as indicated in our Smart City Practical Guide - Volume 1, monitoring the progress of projects, measuring the results and impacts of the strategy and the various projects implemented is crucial. 


This evaluation phase can not only help to legitimise your Smart Cities projects and policies, but also help to ensure their sustainable performance. As the saying goes, "what is not measured, is not managed" !

In order to help cities and municipalities in this process, our researcher Audrey Lebas publishes a research report entitled: "Performance measurement in Smart Cities - An introductory report".

Objectives and content of this report

Based on the existing literature, this research report aims to :

  • introduce cities and municipalities to the concept of performance measurement in the context of Smart Cities;
  • help them establish their own method of performance measurement through an integrative method in the form of a structure/canvas, based on their own specificities and strategies.

Download the rEport

And to go further : Consult phase 3 of our Practical Guide #1, dedicated to monitoring. > Download the Guide

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