Conferences and debate

Vivre la Ville 2024


March 21st 2024
UNamur - Amphithéâtre PEDRO ARRUPE - bâtiment 21a
Rue de Bruxelles
5000 Namur
9:00 - 12:00


The Smart City Institute will be one of the speakers at this 2024 edition of the Vivre la Ville conference, which aims to explore the political choices behind the implementation of digital technology in our society.

Vivre la Ville is an event designed to raise awareness among public officials, politicians, researchers and businesses of the issues surrounding Smart Territories, and to formulate and co-construct concrete best practices. The event is organised around conferences and a debate aimed at questioning the discourse and preconceptions surrounding the Smart City on the one hand, and proposing alternative operational models and tools on the other.

The program

Divided into two parts, this 5th edition will will begin with talks by scientists on key digital issues such as citizen participation, the digital fracture, public-private partnerships and the impact of digital technology on the environment.

Our researcher Audrey Lebas - author of Smart City practical handbook dedicated to public-private collaborations and partnerships - will be taking the floor at 10am, highlighting public-private collaboration in the digital development of cities.

The second part of the conference will be marked by a political debate, with representatives from each of Wallonia's democratic political parties taking the opportunity to express their views on these issues.


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